We pride ourselves in delivering smart content neatly packaged. Our team of editors and writers bring out the best stories through careful research. Whether it is a quiz database for a yoga app, or a set of bookmarks on the fauna of the Western Ghats, we dig up juicy trivia and present it with engaging designs.

One of our first projects was a set of General Knowledge books for school children that we worked on for Cambridge University Press. Some of our highlights include “What they do not teach you about money”, a book on financial literacy for Exide Life Insurance, a magazine-style collection of facts on Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary, and an extensive webzine on the General Elections in 2019.
We also develop puzzles, crosswords, quizzes and other material for magazines and newspapers.
We do a lot of work for children and understand this demographic well. Our expertise lies in our approach – simple language, yet interesting narratives. Among the interesting projects we have managed include a set of workbooks for ScienceAdda. We also curate and publish the Gazette, a news magazine for children as part of our GK program, Quest.

Our approach to brand building, online presence, and social media engagement is fresh. We blend nuggets from culture, history, and science to make nice stories that captivate your end users. We have worked with brands such as Star Gold, Club Mahindra, and IFB.
Say goodbye to boring presentations and staid collateral. Our content research and design is not limited to quizzes, GK and trivia. We bring our years of corporate experience into play by helping new-age businesses tell their story. We create investor decks, product sheets, and brochures among other things.

Banner photo by William Iven on Unsplash