JULY 08, 2021
The past few months have been a trying time for the world due to the Covid outbreak. Several thousands have been affected and are in need of assistance.
We ran a donation campaign in June 2021 through subscriptions to our GK and awareness product, Quest. Rs. 1000 from every Quest subscription during June was set aside to be donated to a Covid-related cause. A big thank you to all the people who subscribed during this period!
We are very happy to announce that at the end of the month we donated INR 25,000 towards the KVN Foundation who have been working very hard to transform the lives of the needy and the underprivileged.
One more campaign is around the corner. Numero Uno, a quiz to crown India’s school quizzing champion will take place on July 17, 2021. There is a nominal registration fee to take part in the quiz, and profits from the fee will go towards Covid relief. Please register today and help us make this program a success. Do spread the word in your social circles.